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Welcome To BMS Kuwait Our products re manufactured with BMS’s experience and inquisitory. Each phase of production cycle is a perfect statement of ‘Turkish goods. After the concept design is approved; faucet design is done by the BMS technical office during the planning phase. Far this phase; 30 design software is used

Our Values

Respect, responsibility, and reliability are our mainvalues. Mutual Respect binds us together. We performour work Consciously and strive to offer the best services to our clients. We make sure you receive your orders in a perfect packaging and on-time. We also care about hearing your feedback. Our customer service representatives are always available to help yo


All products endure a strict quality control procedure with the help of the . most advanced technologies . We offer you unique products with unique designs Made with high quality material and lot of passion , every product is a piece of art. All our items are guaranteed for five years ; thus , you are in safe hands

Our Mission

WearetheexclusiveagentsforaTurkish nitarywarecompany(BMS)inKuwait. BMS ( BATARE MUSLUK SAN VE) aka Battery faucetindustryhasbeenoneof the leadingcompaniesinthe Sanitary ware industry in Turkey since 1972We offer you everythingyou needforyour bathroomsand kitchens We have worked with five starts hotels, along with restaurants, hospitals,& villas. We have alsoworkedwithVIPGyms Megaprojects.

manufactured with BMS’s

Our products re manufactured with BMS’s experience and inquisitory. Each phase of
production cycle is a perfect statement of ‘Turkish goods. After the concept design is
approved; faucet design is done by the BMS technical office during the planning phase.
Far this phase; 30 design software is used

We Won Many Factory Awards & Got Many Ceritificates Since 1972-2025

Plain Style


Now, it’s time far BMS armatures’ production’s
phase two. The gatewoy ta the new faucet’s
prototype: Far this, you will need a 30 printer
that identifies the image from the real 30
model’s analysis of ABS plastic

Sand Core

The third stage of BMS’s ideal practice continues with the preparation of sand seeds. Sand seeds are a mixed sand element and synthetic resin. They are designed in a special sand seed box with personalized molds. After the sand seeds are solidified, they are extracted. The result is then used to create the inner area of ​​the faucet body by placing them in a fusion mold called the shell.

Chrome plating

Chrome plating is one of the most important phases of BMS armatures
production process. The innovating and exclusive work of BMS contains the
galvanic process. Chrome is obtained by dipping the chromized places into an
electrolyte solution bath and by accumulating double nickel and chrome plating

Brass Casting

During the moulding phase; the personal mould and the shell are filled with brass,
copper, zinc alloy. The desired form of the sehll is later moulded.

Pruifuction of Sawdust

The products obtained from a previous
concretion phase are processed with
automatic turning lathe and then passed onto
the transfer machine line


The polishing cycle is handled by the robotied
system blocks that allow the chrome plates to
pass through the next phases. (discs made of
proper fabrics and belt sanders made of
different sizes are used.)

product is tested

During this very important phase of production; the inbuilt product is tested far
%100 and also tested for airtightness by high precision measuring equipment.


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    John Smith
    CEO Of Apple
  • Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

    Alan Gordon
  • Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cras justo odio, dapibus.

    Janet Joles
    Purchasing Officer